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Treadmill - Yes or No?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:13 pm
by 5km
To purchase a treadmill for my home or not - Except for two medical tests I have never run on a treadmill. I have always, 20+ years off and on, run outdoors. The question of buying a treadmill, a good one, for the house has now arisen.

Could I please get some feedback from any Maniacs who own their own treadmills? Do you like running on your TM? How often do you use it? How does it compare to outdoor running? Is it too boring? Any other comments. Etc. Etc.

Will my TM just end up collecting dust in my basement next to my NordicTrack?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:19 pm
by scrumhalfgirl
I love my treadmill. But it is boring. I only use it in the winter pretty much. From March to November, I probably used it twice, during insane POURING rain. With the amount of snow we got in Ottawa last year, it was fabulous. But not as good as outdoor running when you can do it!

I also like it for times when it is very dark out and I feel unsafe. Also I know many people love it because of childcare issues.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:20 pm
by scrumhalfgirl
Further points - it is great for intervals and tempo work because you can just set the pace and go. Especially in the winter where footing makes fast running virtually impossible. I probably ran on mine 4 times/week last winter, and then ran outside for long runs, and maybe 1 other run/week.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:15 pm
by CAW
ditto, all points above.

Also our treadmill really comes in handy when Scotty is away, I can run and not have to pay a sitter.

We set ours up in our family room in front of the tv.

We bought ours two years ago in January and we have already gotten our money worth.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:05 pm
by abhainn
I love my treadmill and for the last year and 1/2 have run on it exclusively. Yes it can be boring, but I find running in general to be boring and at least I can listen to my own music, watch tv and not have to worry about the neighborhood that I'm in or running after dark or slipping on ice, getting hit by wayward cars, etc...

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:46 pm
by babysteps
Yes. Get it if you have kids, work late, don't like running in the dark, dislike frostbite, and like being warm, dry and safe.

Otherwise don't get it.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:14 pm
by casual-runner
All above its true - it is great tool for winter running.

I run 443 km on the treadmill this year, mostly last winter. I did all my runs except of the one, weekly long run on the treadmill from January to March.

Very important difference is that treadmills absorb shock much better than asphalt and are less likely to cause impact injuries. Treadmills are good for recovery runs. I have a sprained toe and running outdoor results in a big pain while on the treadmill it is just a slight discomfort.

It might feel awkward initially. Some people claim that incline should be set to 1 or 2% to imitate running on the flat course, but you will have different views, many people use 0% all time.

The best way to test if you like treadmill running would be to buy monthly membership and try it extensively :)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:01 pm
by Jwolf
I'd love to have one at home for various reasons. Mostly for when it's too dark outside (early morning or late evening in the winter) and for when childcare is an issue. My kids are getting older so the latter is less of an issue now. I have full access to a gym where I do use a treadmill quite often (even in the summer). I don't find it that boring when I'm listening to music or podcasts, or focussing on a workout. At home I'd probably set up a TV in front of it.

If you've never used one, I'd use one in a gym first or try several out in stores before you decide. Make sure you go to a good fitness equipment store and check out which ones are made for the speeds and distances of running you'll be doing.

So I guess the answer to "will I use it" depends on why you are getting it? If it is just as easy for you to run outside and you enjoy that, you'll probably choose to run outside. If it means treadmill vs. not running, you'll get your training in if you're dedicated.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:08 am
by DeltaTrev
Do I like running on a treadmill ?

Do I run on a treadmill ?..........yes, when I need to

How many workouts would I have missed without owning my own treadmill the last 4 years ?...........way too many

Living on the Wet Coast, I find that the thought of going out for a 16k+lsd in pouring cold rain is just not palatable...cold I can take, rain I can take, but not both at the same time......and heck sometimes its just too easy to jump on the treadmill for a quick 30 mins without dressing for the weather.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:20 am
by orleansrunner1962
ABSOLUTELY everything said above.... I use my treadmill 3-4 times a week and get outdoors for my LSD......

I have the TV set up in front of the treadmill, throw in a DVD and away I go..... it is great for speed work or tempo runs when the footing outside is slippery......

Definitely go to a good store and be ready to spend a few dollars.... however, you will have the treadmill for a long time.... I have had mine for 1.5 years now, and I would have spent way more in gym membership fees than what I paid for the treadmill. Also, I am sure I would have missed many training sessions that I did at home, and would have skipped if I would have had to go to a gym......

Finally, if the treadmill is at home, perhaps other family members will start using it too....!!

Good luck in your decision process (and ultimate purchase).....

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:40 am
by horselady
orleansrunner1962 wrote:ABSOLUTELY everything said above.... I use my treadmill 3-4 times a week and get outdoors for my LSD......

I have the TV set up in front of the treadmill, throw in a DVD and away I go..... it is great for speed work or tempo runs when the footing outside is slippery......

Definitely go to a good store and be ready to spend a few dollars.... however, you will have the treadmill for a long time.... I have had mine for 1.5 years now, and I would have spent way more in gym membership fees than what I paid for the treadmill. Also, I am sure I would have missed many training sessions that I did at home, and would have skipped if I would have had to go to a gym......

Finally, if the treadmill is at home, perhaps other family members will start using it too....!!

Good luck in your decision process (and ultimate purchase).....

I would concur here. I use my tread mill for about 1/2 my runs in winter due to poor footing or the fact too dark outside to run. I also will use it in the summer on really hot days or in my case living in the country when the bugs are too bad.
I do almost all my speed and hill work on the treadmill as well.
I don't find it boring really..I either listen to the radio or plug into my MP3 and crank up the tunes. Have not put a tv in front of it yet, but as DH has been using it ( the other benefit Sylvie has pointed of the family has started to use it even the teens on occasion) he wants to put a TV in front of it. So I am sure I will probably turn on the tube as well.
Plus it is a real time saver. Shorts/a T shoes and ready to if you are pressed for a time a quick 30 minute on it is easy to fit in.
I guess all in all it keeps me more honest.
Invest in a good one though. I have a Pacemaster Proselect and have owned it for 7 has seen lots of running and I have had only one repair on it. So well worth it.
Good luck with your decision and search!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:53 am
by Tori
I just bougth a treadmill about a month ago and it has been a total blessing for me. Trying to fit in runs with F/T work and a baby is pretty tricky and this lets me get all my runs in.

I actually don't get bored on the TM, I watch tv at night and totally enjoy that time. Plus I can run in shorts year-round.

In choosing a TM try numerous brands out first to see what works for you, don't just buy based on the name. After a few runs on different TM at the store I could tell right away whether or not I could live with that model.

Right now is a great time to buy as it is end of year and the stores are trying to clear out stock to get ready for 2009. I got mine for almost $1000 off the regular price.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:35 am
by blank
We also recently purchased a treadmill and are really happy that we decided to get one. As others have mentioned, it's great for speed workouts (tempos/steady state/intervals). I don't think I could do an LSD on a treadmill though, maybe if I was really desperate.

I find, especially in the evening, that it's a much more attractive option to hit the treadmill rather than venture out into the dark and cold, with poor footing (in Ottawa anyway) also a factor.

I really like having a TV in front of the treadmill. For myself I tape English soccer games and then watch them while I'm on the TM; the time flies by!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:45 am
by LadyV
I bought a TM 2 years ago
it is great during winters and I never use it during summers
My plan for this winter: run my speed workouts and my tempo runs on the TM and my LSD runs outside
I think it is important to mix TM running with 'sidewalk running' even during the winter, otherwise there is a kind of 'transition' to deal with come spring time . In my case, I am preparing for a half marathon in the spring and I do not want to go straight from the TM to the race.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:01 pm
by a-slow-5
I do enjoy to run on the t/m but I would hesitate to buy one for home for three reasons: 1/ I fear the day it may become a spot to hang laundry to dry!; 2/ I enjoy the element of cross training/ strength training that my gym memberships provides. (I don't have the issue of daycare to worry about and therefore am free to go the gym when it fits in MY schedule, which adds to the benefit of the gym membership.); and 3/ I have no room for one (unless I want it in my family room/living room.) NOT!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:16 pm
by Portentous
I wouldn't buy a treadmill until you've had a few full workouts on one in the way you intend to use it. I used to run on a treadmill, but I find that now that I'm used to my runs outdoors I can't enjoy it. I worked out at the gym yesterday, and didn't get a chance to run, so figured I'd do a quick 3 miler on the mill. I couldn't get by 1 mile before annoyance with being a rat forced me off. I prefer indoor tracks or running in the dark freezing cold myself.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:35 pm
by Sandra
If I didn't have a treadmill I wouldn't be able to run 90% of the time due. I have mine set up in the basement in front of my TV which helps with the boredom factor. I also concur with all the positive facts already pointed out. It definately helps with my training.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:34 pm
by eljeffe
What about just using the treadmill at a Health Club?

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:54 am
by Jwolf
eljeffe wrote:What about just using the treadmill at a Health Club?

If childcare or something similar is an issue, that doesn't solve the problem.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:04 pm
by JamesP123
im thinking about getting one would help for days like run is going to be rough in this weather.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:06 pm
by hmacdonald
Our Nordic Track collected dust, our treadmill has never collected dust, and we're on our second one.

With childcare issues, late evening runs in winter, and just family logistics I wouldn't be a runner without a treadmill. Lots of times it's a lot easier to get downstairs for a run when I know I wouldn't be motivated to run outside.

Totally worth the money for us, and my DH uses it too for walking. I would say that most months it gets used at least 20 days a month, possibly more.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:21 pm
by 5km
Thank you all for your thoughtful responses to my posting.

I went out yesterday and bought a treadmill by Pacemaster. It is quite a basic unit but it will do 12 mph, can incline to 15 degrees and has a 3 hp motor. I don't really need a lot of electronic features and I already have an HR monitor. I tried some bigger heavier and much more expensive units at the Fitness Depot and decided the Pacemaster was fine for my purposes. It has a good reputation and a number of Maniacs seem to like them too. Delivery is in a few days.

I hope I can adapt to TM running as I find it VERY different from running outdoors! Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:49 pm
by klc
CRAP! I have a Pacemaster Silver that I could have sold you for cheap as it is sitting in storage at the moment. :cry:

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:28 pm
by AirForceRunner
Well, your smartest move was delivery...we bought one a few weeks ago, and getting it into the basement almost provided me with a Darwin award.
These suckers are HEAVY!!! (At least the ones with the big decks/big motors).

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:04 pm
by LadyV
check this out - shrimp on a treadmill