Fat Biking

A cozy spot for triathletes and other multi-sporters

Bill Crothers
Posts: 3463
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:41 pm

Fat Biking

Postby Dstew » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:10 am

Fat biking is something one should try. It is very strange to be pedalling four times as hard as you might do on the road or even a hard packed trail in the summer to do slower than walking pace and feel good about that. I noticed my heart rate is relatively high for my fat bike rides and add in some good hills, it becomes a HIIT workout inside of an aerobic workout. And yet I feel energized by the activity. And very good for me, a nice side benefit is just how humbling it is. It did an 8.7 k ride on soft snow in 1:15 and it was one of the best workouts I have ever done regardless of the sport. I was at or near the bottom of very strava segment and this reminded me just how silly and unimportant such comparisons are as well as races. Do not get me wrong, I loved the illusion and mythology of a race but there were times when I lost perspective and paid a price for that.

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